Designed for National Geographic, this collapsible camping furniture that fits in a suitcase is your perfect outdoor companion!

Designed for National Geographic, this collapsible camping furniture that fits in a suitcase is your perfect outdoor companion!

There are many types of campers and camping regimes. Some travel with friends and family to the remotest wilderness and others like to drive their RV and park at a nice spot with a view. In both cases, at the end of the day, one desires a nice chair to sit on and a decent table to serve up the meal. This is where the portable and convenient Bungalow Luggage for National Geographic comes to the fore.

Whether you’re backpacking, planning on fishing, or just want to spend time at the lake, a foldable and easy-to-carry furniture is definitely going to be on your top priority list. A collapsible furniture range that is relatively luxurious, ultra-lightweight, and packs up into a travel trolley you can tote after you; the Bungalow Luggage by designer Eunsol Lee sets a stage for unique camping experiences.

There is no dearth of foldable camping chairs and tables out there. You could even pick a set of table and chairs off the shelf but this idea of a portable furniture set has its own merits. Unlike the other metal rod collapsible furniture for the outdoor, this one designed for National Geographic is convenient to transport. Just fold up the two chairs and the table into their bags and the trio sits evenly inside a suitcase you can lug along. This ease of portability also comes in handy when you want to fit the furniture in the boot of the car.

Packed in a travel trolley-style sturdy case with four wheels, you get a pair of chairs and a table with a foldable top. The collapsible frame, seat, and backrest form the chair, while the metal spokes aligned as hollow table legs become the base for a wooden plank tabletop. The chairs have a nice canvas seat and the table seems pretty robust; together the furniture outside your camp will become your closest confidant in comfort!

Designer: Eunsol Lee

The post Designed for National Geographic, this collapsible camping furniture that fits in a suitcase is your perfect outdoor companion! first appeared on Yanko Design.

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