This wooden stool integrates a bouncy ball into its design so you stay active while sitting and working!

This wooden stool integrates a bouncy ball into its design so you stay active while sitting and working!

Bounce is a work stool that incorporates a bouncy ball into its seat rest so you can bounce while sitting – almost like a fidget spinner for your butt.

Whether you’re sitting at a computer desk or an art studio desk–if you’re there for long periods at a time, then some fidgeting is sure to come. Without a fidget spinner for our bottoms, we revert to leg bouncing and tipping our chairs to calm down some of our restlessness. To make more relaxing work stools, Montreal-based industrial designer Antoine Jeraj designed Bounce, a chair with a slight bounce to increase comfort and productivity during the workday.

Innovative chair designs are hard to come by since chairs have been around for centuries. Jeraj’s Bounce seems like an innovative chair design for its solution-based conception. Built from a piece of wood with an elastic profile, Jeraj integrated a bouncy ball between the curved seat rest and chair legs to allow users to bounce while sitting. Broken down into four main components, Bounce keeps a simple, yet artful build.

Three footrests connect the chair’s four legs, which bolster the chair’s curved seat rest and a built-in bouncy ball. The simple design of Bounce enhances its approachability and functions as a familiar sight for those who don’t want to venture too far outside of conventional work stools. The chair has a natural, wooden look too, which reinforces its versatility and makes it a work stool that could fit into almost any office or studio.

Not a day goes by that we don’t use a chair. Around for centuries, we’ve relied on them for rest and productivity for as long as we can remember. Work stools in particular are designed with comfort and efficiency in mind to provide the ultimate place of rest during workdays. Interpreting the work stool for today, Antoine Jeraj designed Bounce as a simple and artful work stool that delivers on both comfort and practicality.

Designer: Antoine Jeraj

Categories : Information

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